Agro Navigation

Tiny and fast navigation app for parallel driving, which can improve the efficiency of farming work. 

Quick start. Easy work.

Easy to use.

Use built-in compass.

Improve the efficiency.

How it Works

YouTube video «Agro Navigation app for parallel driving»

About App

Agro Navigation is a tiny and fast GPS navigation app for parallel driving that helps farmers on fertilizers and pesticides.

The Agro Navigation helps you navigate in parallel lines while driving in the field.

You can see on your smartphone if you have an underspread of chemicals, which can improve the efficiency of your farming work.

Please note that the accuracy depends on the smartphone's GPS.

Some models are not accurate enough.

Watch the YouTube “Agro Navigation app for parallel driving”.

Just three steps to get started


Set main direction

Drive to the start point and press «Set».
Main direction will be set.

Press «Start» to start working

After press «Start» you will see a wide trail
that is drawn behind the tractor. 

Set operating width

Make the first turn according to visual references.
Then set the operation width using the left slider.
That's all! Follow the green lines.


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Main screen

1. Operation width slider.

2. Set main operation direction.

3. Start working.

4. Zoom slider.

5. Clear track.

6. Settings.

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Pan mode

7. Back from pan mode.

Pan mode allow you zoom and rotate track by using gestures.

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Settings screen

8. If recorded track is not vertical you can correct it by manual correction.

9. Use magnetic declination. Some devices is not corrected compass according to location.

10.  If the smartphone's built-in compass is turned off, the GPS heading is used.

Turns will be displayed with a delay.
Heading may be wrong at low speed.


Low GPS accuracy

Try another device

Accuracy depends on the smartphone's GPS. Some smartphone models are not accurate enough.

Non vertical track

Setup built-in compass

Some compasses show the wrong direction when the phone is held vertically. Use the manual compass correction on the settings screen. Also you can a little rotate phone in holder.


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© Copyright 2022 Eugeny Shlyagin.

Green tractor photo by Mark Stebnicki from Pexels.

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